Friday, May 05, 2006

Trying to be good

I haven't posted as much this week because I've been trying to be good and not spend lots of time reading all my favourite blogs. There's been an upside to this though because it means when I go and check them there's always something new to read. Rather than getting frustrated daily because there's nothing new on some of them, I get excited because there will definitely be updates.

The only reason I'm blogging at the moment is because I'm trying to make one of my computers heal itself and it really is best if I don't watch the process because I get quite tense. Surprisingly enough, I have done a recent backup!

The weather has really packed a sad this week. Its been overcast, cloudy and cold all week. I got suckered in yesterday when the forecaster said it was going to be sunny and wore my sandals to work. As a result I had cold feet all day. Serves me right for believing the weather forecast! But the bad weather means that all the lovely autumn colours are disappearing off the trees which is sad. Haven't been able to see the mountains for a couple of weeks so I don't know if there's any snow up there yet.

Went to see Sione's Wedding last week which was absolutely brilliant. Filmed in Auckland and written by the same people that wrote Bro' Town and the Naked Samoans (both been on TV over the years). I came out of the theatre with a grin on my face and spent most of the movie laughing. Great stuff. Hopefully it'll come out on DVD so I can watch it again.

Haven't got much planned for the weekend. If the weather isn't too foul I. and I may go down to the swapmeet in Ashburton. Not that I'm particularly interested in car parts but we tend to run into a lot of people we know there so its always very social.


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