Friday, January 12, 2007

Mini expedition for sea run trout

Salmon fishermen at the Rakaia River mouth (south bank)

Had a great little expedition down to the Rakaia River mouth last week. Its not far as the crow flies but we have to drive up to the Rakaia bridge and then all the way down the other side to get to the best fishing place so it takes at least 3/4 hour. On the plus side, it means when you come back you drive past the icecream shop!

I. is not a salmon fisherman but likes to try to get sea run trout. They have the same pinkish colour flesh that the salmon have, but not as strong, and they taste much better than river trout which are often muddy. He didn't have any luck this time but I was fascinated by all the activity down there.

We saw: one man catch a salmon, which got everyone else very excited and a lot more people started to fish; small terns (fairy terns maybe?) gorging on little silvery fish about the size of your smallest finger that were swimming in from the sea right on the edge of the waves; a cormorant going after the same fish further up the river and he wasn't even having to swim under water; a man driving a large & heavy 4W drive truck almost getting stuck but managing to get out of the soft sand by slamming the vehicle into reverse straight away; 2 guys further up the river that stood in the same spot the whole time we were there, casting and reeling in but catching absolutely nothing - I would find that dispiriting.

So all in all there was a lot of activity and I wasn't bored at all. But the best bit was trying out the new cafe at Rakaia on the way back (too cold for icecreams even though its summer) and having a fabulous date scone. Yum.



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