Why is it that some days just work?
Its been an incredibly productive day but I've still managed to meet a good friend for coffee (& choosing of picture frames for her prints), have a long and satisfactory chat with P. who's just back from a work trip but is still in Auckland working, and I've got work done as well. This going to bed in decent time lark that I've instituted this week must really work.
The problem with sleep I've been having is that we both get hay fever and spend the night waking each other up with sniffles and snuffles. But if you go to bed in reasonable time you still get a full nights sleep, even though its broken. This probably isn't a revelation to most people but it is for me as I've always struggled with going to bed late, usually 'cos I'm watching absolute rubbish on TV. Guidelines is what I need and now I've got a few. Life is better.
Mind you, we've had a couple of weeks of good weather with some really stunning days which always helps.
We went to the Banks Peninsula A&P Show in Little River last Saturday. Arrived at about 9.30am so got an excellent park and was in enough time to see all the pony classes. The children, most girls I'd have to say, are all so earnest and immaculately turned out. It was incredibly hot so everyone was shedding their jackets as soon as they left the ring.
Two of the best events of the day were the Fancy Dress (it was a led class and the leaders were dressed to match the ponies & riders) and the dog high jump, which drew the biggest crowd. In the large dog class a dog jumped 9 bales which is seriously high.
I should have thought to get photos but hadn't even taken my camera. I may yet have to set myself a challenge of taking a certain number of photos/year like some blog writers have done, just to make sure I take my camera with me all the time.

But I did have the presence of mind to dash back inside and grab the camera, rather than carry on getting in the washing, to record this most fabulous full rainbow. It was completely spectacular. Even I. came out from the garage to look at it.